Step 1. Download and install.
For Linux users!! Don't use yum or apt-get you will get an old version of vagrant. Download and install the software from their website. Download and install this three software packages.
Step 2. Install Oscar
Make a folder somewhere on your file system. This folder will contain the complete puppet installation.
mkdir Documents/puppet/oscar1 cd Documents/puppet/oscar1
vagrant plugin install oscar
vagrant oscar init
The folder is initialised, if we run three you can see that oscar placed a Vagrantfile and a config folder with 4 config files in it.
├── Vagrantfile
└── config
├── boxes.yaml
├── pe_build.yaml
├── roles.yaml
└── vms.yaml
vagrant oscar init-vms \ --master master=centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm \ --agent first=centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm \
--agent second=centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm
If you check the file config/vms.yaml in your oscar folder. You should see something like this. Three machines with CentOs 6 box. One master and two agents. Its important to use this particular version of CentOs. Later on we need to download the Puppet binaries for this version of the OS.
- name: master
box: centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm
- pe-puppet-master
- name: first
box: centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm
- pe-puppet-agent
- name: second
box: centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm
- pe-puppet-agent
Step 3. Tweak Oscar
Add Puppet binaries.
The version of your Puppet binaries depends on the OS there installed on. We need one for CentOs.
Install the vagrant-pe_build plugin to 'add' versions of Puppet to Oscar.
Install the vagrant-pe_build plugin to 'add' versions of Puppet to Oscar.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-pe_build
And you need to download the correct version of puppet enterprise from the website. Go to the puppet website and click "get started" > "try puppet enterprise" > "free trail" > Fill out the form.
Select from the drop down menu.
Operating System: EL
Version: 6
Architecture: x86_64
Operating System: EL
Version: 6
Architecture: x86_64
After the download has completed. Add the puppet binaries to oscar.
vagrant pe-build copy ~/Downloads/puppet-enterprise-3.7.2-el-6-x86_64.tar.gz
Check with vagrant pe-build list to see if your version of puppet was added to Vagrant.
Change the config files.
Assure yourself that you are in the correct folder.
cd ~/Documents/puppet/oscar1
Check the puppet version specified in pe-build.yaml config/pe_build.yaml
version: 3.7.2
Add firewall rules and adjust memory settings. A PE 3.7 master needs at least 4GB of ram to run. Default Oscar will set 1GB ram to the master. This is nog enough and your installation will fail. Copy and paste the roles.yaml file from my github to your local config/roles.yaml
Step 4. Launch your 3 puppet managed nodes.
Assure yourself that you are in the correct folder.
cd ~/Documents/puppet/oscar1
Launch Puppet
vagrant up
Wait 10 minutes.
Step 5 Log in to the puppet console.
Lookup the ip address of the puppet master
vagrant ssh master
eth01 ipaddress.
Open a browser and point to https://<ip_address_master>
Log in with
user: admin
password: puppetlabs